
Sent from my Heart Mum xxxxx 7th August 2020

Hi My Beautiful Son, what I would give to spend an hour with you, although that would not be long enough, I would want two hours, then a morning or an afternoon and so it would go on....... so much to talk about, laugh about and cry too. You are missed so very much, I see that Claire writes to you now too, it does help us in a little way, she talks about you all the time too. Your girls are beautiful on the inside and out, your nephews and niece are beautiful too, you would be very proud of all of them. Lewis has a big competition coming up but I expect you already know that. Times are very different at the moment, if gives me lots of thinking time, My Beautiful Allan you are always in my thoughts. I love and miss you so much, it doesn't get easier and it doesn't for you, all the things you are missing is what hurts me the most. Love you always, always in my heart. Mum xxxxx

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